Level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards HIV and AIDS among Vulnerable Population in the Province of Albay: An Assessment





Social Science, Assessment, Level of Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, HIV, AIDS, vulnerable population, descriptive-correlational, Philippines


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are chronic infectious diseases that revolve around its impact on public health, including the transmission risk it poses, the prevalence of stigma and discrimination, inadequate access to prevention and treatment services, and the socioeconomic burden it places on affected individuals and the community as a whole. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of a vulnerable population regarding HIV/AIDS in Albay province. It examined the respondents' demographics regarding age, sex, civil status, religion, education, workplace, and income. Additionally, it assessed their understanding, attitudes, and behaviors related to HIV/AIDS, considering personal, social, and economic factors. Thus, a plan to enhance the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the vulnerable population toward HIV/AIDS is proposed that aims to enhance knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning HIV/AIDS among the vulnerable population. The study reveals that vulnerable populations exhibited moderate levels of knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding HIV/AIDS. Personal, social, and economic factors moderately influenced these levels, with significant associations found between various demographic factors and knowledge, attitude, and practices.


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Author Biographies

  • Ryan S. Altavano, Bicol College

    Daraga, Albay, Philippines

  • Manny B. Macabeo, Bicol College

    Daraga, Albay, Philippines


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How to Cite

Altavano, R., & Macabeo, M. (2024). Level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards HIV and AIDS among Vulnerable Population in the Province of Albay: An Assessment. JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research, 55(1), 54-84. https://doi.org/10.7719/jpair.v55i1.441