The Mental Health Status of Secondary School Teachers amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Batanes




Social Science, secondary school teachers, quantitative, Philippines


The well-being of teachers influences the well-being of the students in ways that influence the mental health trajectory of future generations. However, when the pandemic started, lockdowns and the closure of schools caused teachers to suffer stress because they needed to adapt policies to provide learning.  Thus, the changes in work methods have caused mental health issues among teachers. The study aimed to describe the anxiety, stress, and depression among secondary school teachers in Batanes. By considering the level of these mental health issues teachers are experiencing, institutions might be in a better position to put in place the relevant support structures that may be needed.  This study utilized a quantitative research approach and was conducted in all secondary schools in the province. The study was conducted among 73 secondary school teachers, 17 males and 56 females aged 23 to 59. A three-part survey questionnaire was used to gather data in the study – Consent Form, Demographic Profile, and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Results show that they experience moderate anxiety and a normal level of depression and stress. Teachers were significantly affected by the occupational stress during the suspension of face-to-face classes and the impacts associated with the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

  • William Jo Se M. Billote, Batanes State College

    Basco, Batanes, Philippines

  • Warren David B. Ereful, Batanes State College

    Basco, Batanes, Philippines

  • Hannah Joy G. Cantero, Batanes State College

    Basco, Batanes, Philippines

  • Christian Jake Salamagos, Batanes State College

    Basco, Batanes, Philippines

  • Godfrey C. Velayo, Batanes State College

    Basco, Batanes, Philippines

  • Ma. Veronica C. Enego, Batanes State College

    Basco, Batanes, Philippines


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How to Cite

Billote, W. J. S., Ereful, W. D., Cantero, H. J., Salamagos, C. J., Velayo, G., & Enego, M. V. (2022). The Mental Health Status of Secondary School Teachers amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Batanes. JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research, 49(1), 1-16.

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