Factors Affecting Faculty Research Productivity: Conclusions from a Critical Review of the Literature





Institutional Research, research productivity, faculty performance, higher education, literature review, Philippines


Publication is the most visible sign of an active researcher. It is central to a research career and academic advancement. Also, the institution gains prestige and the researcher gains a notable reputation and career rewards. The study summarized the findings from a systematic investigation into existing literature and views regarding the factors that affect faculty research productivity, to discuss themes and components of such work, and to propose a conceptual framework. A systematic analysis of existing literature was used to address the problems. It is found that faculty research productivity is influenced by individual factors (self-efficacy, affiliation, motivation, commitment, orientation, basic and advance research skills, sense of achievements, contributing to society, sense of responsibility, scholarly pursuit, autonomy and flexibility, satisfying interest and curiosity), institutional factors (have fewer course preparations, staff support, advising and mentoring, resources, rewards, sufficient work time, culture, research emphasis, tenure and promotion, financial rewards, satisfying performance standards, peer and social recognition),  leadership factors (highly regarded able scholar, research oriented, work for departments with a similar priority placed on research). Ascriptive factors refer to gender, an age of a faculty member at a given point in time, intelligence, a personality of the individual. The paper has implications for higher education institution administrators regarding managing faculty members' research performance.


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Author Biographies

  • Jonathan M. Mantikayan, Cotabato City State Polytechnic College

    Cotabato City

  • Montadzah A. Abdulgani, Cotabato City State Polytechnic College

    Cotabato City


Allison, P. D., & Stewart, J. A. (1974). Productivity differences among scientists: Evidence for accumulative advantage. American sociological review, 596-606. Retrieved on: October 1, 2017 from: https://goo.gl/iST37m







How to Cite

Mantikayan, J., & Abdulgani, M. (2018). Factors Affecting Faculty Research Productivity: Conclusions from a Critical Review of the Literature. JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research, 31(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.7719/jpair.v31i1.561