Holothuroid Species in Talikud Island, Island Garden City of SamaliGACOS)


  • Karla B. Tubal Davao Doctors College,
  • Bernadette I. del Rosario Ateneo de Davao Uni versity


This study entitled "Holothuroid Species in Talikud Island, Island Garden City of Somal (IGaCoS)", was conducted to identify the different holothuroid species present in the study area with the use of ossicle-based taxonomic key and determine their presence in 10 stations wilh due consideration of the environmental condition prevailing in the areas. A descriptive study was used 10 obtain the taxonomic account Gnd distribution of the holothuroid species in ten selected areas of Talikud Island namely Dodaron, 8oybay, Maniksik, Unosutan, Tastas, Mansod, Cogon, Dapia  baybay and Kamaonan. Fifteen species were idelllified belonging to three families namely: Synaptidae (Synapta maculata, Polyplectana kefersteini, Opheodesoma sp.); Stichopodidae (Thelenota sp., Stichopus sp., Stichopus horrens); Holothuriidae (Pearsonotlturia graeffei, Holothuria hilla, Holotlturia pulla, Holothllria sp I, Holot/wria sp. 2, Holothllria sp. 3, Holothuria sp. 4, Holothuria sp. 5 alld Holothuria sp. 6. Human activities in some areas resulted to lower variation and number of holothuroids.


Keywords: Holothuroids, ossicles


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How to Cite

Tubal, K. B., & del Rosario, B. I. (2007). Holothuroid Species in Talikud Island, Island Garden City of SamaliGACOS). JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1). https://philair.ph/index.php/jpair/article/view/48

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