Species Diversity of Rattan (Uay) in Selected Municipalities in the Province of Abra, Philippines


  • Mary Joan T. Guzman Abra State Institute of Science and Technology




Biodiversity, Tingguians, rattan, indigenous, endemic, diversity, species, Abra, Philippines


Rattan (Uay) is known for its commercial use such as furniture and handicrafts e.g. cabinets, bags, chairs, swings, and matting. The study determined the species diversity of rattan (uay) in Danglas, Licuan- Baay, Lagayan, Dagiuoman, Tubo, and Villaviciosa, Abra, Philippines. The researcher had gone through a fieldwork for plant collection, identification and taxonomic classification using a dichotomous key and to assess the species diversity using biological diversity indices. Phytochemical analysis of the leaves, roots, stalk of rattan (uay) was done. Calamus merrilii, Calamus ornatus, Calamus microcarpus, and Calamus sp. are the identified species of rattan in the province of Abra. They have similar morphological characteristics but they differ in size and color of the vines, position of the thorns and spines in the plant body, and leaf sizes. Phytochemical contents of the stalk, roots, and leaves of rattan (uay) contain the most abundant medicinal properties. Biological diversity indices revealed that Calamus merrilii, Calamus ornatus, Calamus microcarpus, and Calamus sp. were most abundant species of rattan (uay) found in Tubo, Dagiuoman, Danglas, Lagayan and least diverse in Baay- Licuan. Lapat System was the conservation and preservation method of rattan (uay) in Tubo and Dagiouman, Danglas, Lagayan, Baay- Licuan and Villaviciosa. These help the Abrenians generate income for their daily sustenance.


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Author Biography

  • Mary Joan T. Guzman, Abra State Institute of Science and Technology

    Abra, Philippines


Adiwibowo A, Sulasmi IS, Nisyawati. (2012).The relationships of forest biodiversity and rattan jernang (Deamonorops draco) sustainable harvesting by Anak Dalam tribe in Jambi, Sumatra. MBS & UNS Solo. Biodiversitas, Vol 13, Iss 1, pp. 46-51. DOI:10.13057/biodiv/d130109







How to Cite

Guzman, M. J. (2015). Species Diversity of Rattan (Uay) in Selected Municipalities in the Province of Abra, Philippines. JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research, 20(1), 35-54. https://doi.org/10.7719/jpair.v20i1.318