The Level of Satisfaction with the Nursing Functions Rendered by Level IV Students of Davao Doctors College
The study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction on the nursing jimctions rendered by the level IV students of Davao Doctors Col/ege, Davao City. It utilized the descriptivecorrelational research design that involved the 84 clinical instructors of the institutions, 141 staff 1I1Irses and 120 patients of Davao Doctors Hospital. The primary SOllrce of data included those provided by the respondents in the survey instrument. The statistical techniques used in the study were "weighted mean, I-test, Pearson product moment CoeffiCient of Correlation and the stepwise regression analysis. The patient rated all the nursing functions rendered by the students as satisfactory while staff nurses rated the fimction of a "caregiver" as salis/aclmy. Being a health educator was rated by the clinical instructor as moderately salis/ac/my. The overall rating on the nursing/unctions was satisfactory. On the level of sat is/action on nursing lune/ions. the clinical insr11lcfors and the patients were satisfied on the nursing functions rendered by the level IV students while the staff nurses were moderately satisfied The overall rating was satisfactory. There is a significant relationship between the nursing functions and the level of Salis/action on the nursing junctions rendered by the students. All the nursing junctions planner, caregiver, health educator and the coordinator delennined the level of satisfaction of the respondents on the nursing functions rendered by the level IV students. There is evidence that the nursing students perform their functions in accordance with the standards of professional health care practice. They are fully aware of their roles in the delivery of quality nursing care. The ratings of the respondents verified the level of satisfaction on the services rendered by the student nurses as they performed their nursing functions. The professional knowledge, skills and competencies of the nursing students on their responsibility as a nurse affect the level of satisfaction of the staff nurses and patient as an outcome of nursing care. The staff nurses, clinical ins/nlc/ors and the patients differ in their ratings on the level of satisfactions on the nursing functions as rendered by the student nurses. The four nursing functions are important elements in attaining the level satisfaction on the performance its roles as medical practitioner.
Keywords: Level a/Salis/action, Nursing/unctions, Nursing processes
Copyright (c) 2024 Deborah Juliet A. Omran

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