Level of Professional Competence of Radiologic Technologist in Davao City on Factor Selection of X-Rays of Skull, Extremities and Chest
The study was conducted to determine the professional competence of radiologic technologist in Davao City in factor selection on x-rays of skull, chest and extremities. Specifically, the study determined the profile of the respondents in lerms of age, educational attainment, instilutions where they are currently working and number of years in service; the level of/he respondents professional competence on/actor selection of x-rays in terms of skull, chest and extremities (upper and lower limbs); the respondents' professional competence on factor selection of x-rays associated with the respondents' profile. The study is generally descriptive correlational in nature. As such, the sfatislica/treatment of data included frequency counts, arithmetic mean, chi-square, Pearson-I', J(ruskal walis one-way ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U tesl. The researches presented the literatures and studies that have bearings on the study such as professional competence and importance off actor selection. The results revealed thaI the professional competence of the respondents onfactor selection on x-rays differ significanlly when Ihey are grouped according to the different variables. It was also found that majority of the radiologic technologist belongs to the 21 - 25 years old bracket. Among the respondents 18 were BS RadiologiC Technology graduates with one having a certificate of RT training; 19 oul of 22 were equipped with their skills at college/university trainings; J 2 are working at institution B, 6 from institution A and 3 lVorking at institution C. Majority of them served for J - 5 years. It is recommended that medical institutions uphold the continual education of the radiologic technologists as they progress in years of service so as to equip them further in their field. Further more, the research team recommends that institutions offering a program on Radiologic Technology put premium on allowing the students to apply the theories learned into praxis. This may include a more dynamic internship program as Ihis may become a means by which the compelence a/the interns wil! be put to test.
Keywords: Professional Competence, Radiologic Technologist, Skull, Extremities and Chest
Copyright (c) 2024 Richard Pabunag

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